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tv   KPIX 5 News on the CW  CW  August 1, 2013 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT

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this is kpix5 news on kbcw. >> a warning for the bay area, get a backup plan for your commute monday morning. bart has issued a 72 hour strike notice. >> are you urged because neither side seems to come to an agreement? find out what is really going on inside the negotiation. good evening, i'm elizabeth cook. >> and i'm ken bastida. deal or no deal? unions put their foot down tonight. kristen ayers is live on where the talks stand. kristen. >> guys, it is not looking good. tonight the union is giving their official three-day warning of a strike and telling us they are still nowhere near a deal. they called it a solidarity rally. over 1,000 union members flexing their political muscles shortly before announcing this. >> we are giving yoce of an im
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>> the bart strike, now imminent after nearly a month of frustrating negotiations. that the unions say have effectively gone nowhere. >> we have gone backwards in the last 30 days. >> union reps blame this man, tomahawk, the unions say his hardball tactics have stalled talks. >> he is a tool that is being paid $400,000 of our local taxpayer money to come in and bust up the union and drive down the wages of working families in the bay area. >> why are the unions saying you are the reasons why they made it nowhere on the negotiations? >> you'd have to ask them. >> i did ask them. you have been unwilling to negotiate with them. that you shut them down. >> i don't understand that. but you know, that's their view, i guess. >> why have you been such a lightning rod in these negotiations? >> you have to pick on somebody, right? >> both issues vowed they will
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remain at the table throughout the weekend. hawk says negotiations will likely come down to the wire. or beyond. >> i have been involved in stuff for over 40 years. over 40 years, and 400 labor contracts. one. >> now talks will continue tomorrow and also tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m., the unions will actually be attending the bart board of directors, they want to lobby the board to get negotiators who will actually work with them. >> what we know tonight is the union has stated, they have to do legally, they are going to go on strike. the 72 hour notice is out there. does that mean they will definitely go on strike? is there still hope at this hour, we might be able to work something out? >> it's a good indication that a strike may happen. but again, it is not official and they are still talking throughout the weekend. but again, ken, that does set the tone for how negotiations will be.
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there's more tension now that the unions have shown that are hand. >> hopefully, cooler heads will prevail. thank you for keeping us updated. and tonight, we ask bart riders, who is making a better case? the result of our exclusive survey u.s.a. poll shows 44% say management is. 19% say the unions are making a stronger argument, and 29% say neither side is doing well. the rest say they are not sure. and thousands of commuters who ride bart are frustrated with fact neither side can reach an agreement. so we wondered, what is really going on inside that room? kpix5's joe vasquez talked to bart's longest serving board member who says the negotiations are the worst he has ever seen. >> i must say, we were not very impressed. >> james has never seen anything like it in his 23 years as a bart board member. after observing the
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negotiations today, he is shocked at how little is being done. >> they haven't gotten to the core of the issues that they are talking about. you know, general and sup supplemental. >> is it loud? >> not loud. a little argumentative, but i think bart negotiates that we have one position and that's it. so, i think tell us what it is and the bart negotiation won it. >> wouldn't tell them what it is? >> i don't know how much give and take there is. in all the negotiations i've been in. i'm not saying management is wrong and i'm not saying necessarily that labor is right. but i've never seen a managing style where basically one last offer. but with nothing inbetween. they always say the best and final offer, but negotiations are fluid. >> that's what you are seeing in there? >> it's not fluid. there's just no communication.
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we've had 30 days and i have seen no progress. maybe, again, i will be the first to admit. maybe that's a tactic and maybe that's ultimately breaking the union spirit. might be a good thing. i just don't know if that's the most effective thing for the riders of the bay area. >> he believes he and his fellow bart members should be in the room helping with the negotiations. at this point, it couldn't hurt. in oakland, joe vasquez, kpix5. >> the bart strike is looking more and more likely. stay with kpix5 for continuing coverage and start planning now for your alternate commute. car pools, ferries, and buses are all good ideas. for more information, check out our survival guide on our website, looking at life in prison with no possibility of parole. plus, a thousand years. that is a sentence today for ariel castro, the man who held three women keptive for years in a house of horrors.
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>> i spent 11 years in hell. now your hell is just beginning. >> michelle knight, the only victim who came to court today. castro impregnated her five times in captivity. and then beat her so badly she miscarried. >> i will live on. you will die a little every day. >> totally wrong. as god as my witness. i never beat these women. >> you took three young women out of their significant relationships they had with their families, their community, and the time of their lives and you made them slaves and treated them as if they were not people. >> castro told the judge that he blames his addictions on a sex addiction and michelle knight smiled as the judge locked up castro for the rest
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of his life. a jury finds a former san jose elementary school temp guilty of molesting his students. 36-year-old, craig chandler, performed sexual acts. he would blindfold the girls during recess inside the classroom. chandler is scheduled to be sentenced in september. earlier, the school principal was convicted of failing to report the suspected abuse. the man behind one of the biggest u.s. security leaks is a free man tonight. edward snowden was granted asylum in russia. a cbs reporter tells us, it comes with a catch. >> edward snowden nearly flipped out of the moscow airport unnoticed. but this picture from russian television, proports the show, the nsa contractor standing with his back to the camera, preparing to leave for an unknown location. snowden's airport departure happened as they showed
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reporters a document, which allows him to travel freely in russia. it was the ticket snowden needed to safely check out of the small airport hotel he called home for the past 39 days. the antigovernment secrets group, wikileaks, which is assisting snowden, posted his reaction on his website. snowden thanked russia for granting him temporary asylum and took a swipe at the u.s. over the past eight weeks, we have seen the obama administration show no respect for international or domestic laws. in the end, the law is winning. the u.s. government does not see it that way. snowden is a fugitive, wanted on three criminal charges, two under the espionage act. for leaking classified details about data collection programs. snowden has been unapologetic, telling the british newspaper, the guardian, privacy is being trampled in the name of national security. >> when you are -- that is
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dangerous. >> russia rebuffed repeated requests. but putin warned snowden he must stop leaking america's secrets and snowden's father went on russian television and reminded his son to stop talking. >> he needs to respect president putin's requests. i believe my son's work is done with this in terms of, he has made a tremendous sacrifice to let the american people, what has been done to them and in their name. >> it's not clear where snowden goes next, since he can't legally travel outside of russia. they have all offered him asylum, but for now, it seems highly unlikely. cbs news, washington. a vague, but very serious warning from the u.s. state department tonight. cbs reporter, tara, shows us why u.s. embassies and consulates in muslim countries are being shut down this
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weekend. >> the state department is warning of a possible security concern. and closing u.s. embassies in the muslim world this sunday. >> the department, when conditions warrant, take steps to ball loons our continued operations with security and safety. >> the state department wouldn't specify if the concern is related to terrorism. but, cbs news learned u.s. intelligence picked up signs of an al-qaeda plot against american diplomatic in the middle east and other muslim countries. sunday is the start of the workweek there, so those embassies normally open will be closed. embassies in cutter, kuwait, tellvieve all posted information on their websites. >> we may have additional days of closing as well. >> the security of u.s. embassies and diplomatic facilities became a political slash point in washington. after last year's attack in libya. the mission was amshtwice
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on september 11 of 2012. four americans were killed, including ambassador, christopher stevens. lawmakers are pursuing an investigation and the government's response. also pressing him to take action. cbs news, washington. coming up, the dawg days of summer turned into a success for a young bay area girl. how a near fatal attack on her dog made her a best selling author at the age of 9. >> and taken out to the ballpark. heading back into town. we also have the sonoma county fair. whatever your weekend plans are, we have the pinpoint forecast as the news continues right here on the cw. ,,,,,,,, goodnight.
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thanks, olivia. thank you. so you can make a payment from your cell to almost anyone's phone or email. (speaking french) so you can express your gratitude... in the moment. chase quickpay. so you can. but it's a new ad people in one peninsula neighborhood knew living by cal train station could be noisy. but it's a new addition they didn't count on. kpix5's linda yee lets us listen into the loud, anowing sounds that san carlos neighbors upset. >> it can be super loud to
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just loud. >> they live by the track. but it's not the rumble of the train that rattle them. >> they are blasting beyond belief. >> it's going on all day long. >> it's something our riders want. >> attention trains 151 approaching. >> the announcements every time a train arrives at this station. at least five times an hour during the commute. twice an hour other times. the riders may like this, but nearby families say it is their unwanted wakeup call every day at 5:13 a.m. and to make it more annoying, it sounds like this. while we were in her home, the sound was faint. but neighbors say the volume fluxuates. the new system can be loud, that's why they are testing it.
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>> one of the thing the new system has is sensors to test the noise and the volume is supposed to automatically adjust according to that reading. >> but neighbors say the noise has been going on for months and it's been unbearable. >> train 159 approaching. >> community does not need to be blasted on a constant basis. on train arrivals or departures. >> unfortunately, it hasn't been resolved as quickly as we would have liked, but we are working on it this week. >> life this afternoon did inform me that they decide to buy new speakers. ones that can be adjusted and not project out into the neighborhood. at san carlos train station, linda yee, kpix5. >> we all love our pets. many of us could share stories for days. could you ever imagine writing a book about your pet and it becomes an instant best seller.
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jouett yet sat down with one special girl whose dog, leo, captured many hearts on amazon. >> nine-year-old, abby, and her dog, leo, are almost always together. unless of course, abby is at school. when leo was attacked by another dog last year, she was devastated. >> he broke off his leash and he ran over to leo and butt leo. >> as you can see, he is doing just fine now. he had the surgery a little less than a year ago. it was jaw surgery. not once, but twice. >> today i want to tell you a true story about my best friend, leo. >> that's what abby start writing a book. a book about leo. >> the story is happy. sad, and happy again. >> she called it, lucky leo. >> because i wanted to tell people about how my life is
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with leo. >> and now, this dynamic duo is enjoying the taste of success and her book became a best seller. it is currently ranked number two. >> i was really excited. >> if dogs could talk x but for now, she enjoys listening to abby, who cannot only write, but she can sing, too. >> in piedmont, kpix5. >> some of the proceeds from the book will go to the pet and wildlife fund and pets for world peace. >> he's hungrier than the average bear and you have to see this to believe it. a bear is getting a pickup order from a restaurant in colorado springs. watch as he gobs the dumpster. the owner of the restaurant says when the dumpster is full,
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it can weigh half a ton. this guy didn't seem to care. and more than one. they were found 50 feet away. the restaurant owner says he will prevent them. i don't know. >> that's nothing. you should see people here at the company barbecue. >> hauling some stuff away. >> oh, i can't bear this time of the year. take a vote. >> let's talk another. >> that's okay, i'll be here all week. first, a segway from the dog story. dawg dais of summer definitely here. and washing in the bears. that's an animal show tonight. we will have a warming trent. good evening, everybody. let's head outdoors and take the lights. it's gorgeous out there.
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it is mostly cloudy at sfo. everybody cooled down spanly after an unseasonal. areas of patchy fog in the overnight hours. 48 to 59 degrees. here's the story, tonight we do become mostly cloudy due to that blanket of the marine layer. otherwise, areas of patchy fog. tomorrow we'll start off cloudy and lots of sunshine and warmer conditions. it is the summertime drums. let me explain. future cast clearly illustrates we have some. but clouds scour out earlier tomorrow, then today which leads me to believe we'll have warmer air mass. we have this trough that is hanging so close to the coast. we are smack in the middle of a benign weather pattern. tomorrow, dress in layers.
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playing host to the texas rangers. four games back with the rangers. 64 degrees. okay, 73 tomorrow, which is above average. knows going up. up from the upper 70s today to 80 degrees, which is more seasonal. west wind at 15. and 90 degrees in lake port. here you have it. can somebody say stagnant? can somebody say stagnant? >> stagnant. >> we have a segment where they pattern. it is summertime here in the bay area. >> enjoy. >> we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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the mysteries of the deep are about to be uncovered off the west coast. $60million research ship funded by google left san francisco bay this afternoon. the mission, to study the pacific ocean. dead zone. it's in an area the size of new jersey. depleted of oxygen that is starving sea life off washington and oregon. it is one of 400 dead zones around the world. caused by fertilizer and sewage, they say dumped into the oceans by river runoff. office workers who eat lunch at their desks may be more productive in the afternoon than those who go out to eat. tested people who went out to lunch with a friend and those who stayed and ate while they worked. the people who went out were calmer when they came back to the office, but they were also
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less alert and scored lower on cage lower on cognanive tests. the minute is next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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or all right, the injuries keep piling up for the 49ers and one key player on defense is done for the year. start the clock. it's time for the minute. quarterback tore his left acl in practice and he will be lost for the entire season. he used mainly a nickel situations, appeared in all 16 games in 2012. more injuries, patrick willis broke his hand in practice, but the good news is, he should be
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back by opening. eight solid innings and giants didn't score a single run until the 9th inning. down a run, the giants struck for two. drove in the go ahead run off of jonathan . end the game, two straight wins for the giants. that i beat the phillies 2-1. how about golf now. tiger shot a 4 under 66. tied for third after round one of the bridgestone invitational. so tiger could be there. and trying to make history at the british open. a win in this tournament would give her the first ever women's grand slam. right now, she is 3 off the lead, tied for 18th. good luck to her. it would be fun to see her do that, since it has never been done. >> tied for a 66? >> these golfers are good. >> you and i would be 120th right now. >> we wouldn't make the cut on
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the first day. >> exactly. we're out. >> thanks. see you at 11:00. ,,,,,, ,,,,
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[lady gaga's just dance] ♪ [volume lowered] >> it's britney, bitch. and i am back in the form of a new company-- the michael scott paper company.


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